The most overlooked problem when buying land can cost you thousands in building delays and site costs!

You wake up one Saturday morning and the sun is vibrant and the air is fresh. You ponder through in-style magazines over a morning brew, drawing up contentious ideas on colour matching options to compliment various fixtures throughout.
After all, it’s your first time building your dream home and the sacrifices made to get to this point resonate with every sip.
A few hours pass and you decide to take a drive-by to see how the neighborhood is developing. As you pull up alongside your site you’re hit with a wave of frustration. The site is covered with fill. Leftover building materials, excess soil and even an old dressing table has now become your problem and the fact is, there’s little you can do about it.
Unfortunately, this is the reality for a lot of unsuspecting buyers. You only have to be part of the community groups in and around Riverstone to see post after post. For those, which I would say the majority have put every cent they can towards the purchase price are left in a state of disarray.
Here’s a few tips if this has happened to you or how to help prevent it.
First and foremost take photos and report to council straight away. The council may not be able to do anything if you don’t have sufficient proof of the culprit and photos of materials matching next door may not be enough.
Get onto it straight away! Your site can very quickly become the dumping site for others!

Fence it
-Fence it, fence it, fence it! Reflecting back, we know renting a fence for 3-6 months is a costly expense but as others have found out, not having one could be even costlier.
DIY option
-If you don’t have the resources to hire a fence, the DIY option is still a really viable deterrent, you just need to make accessibility harder for anyone looking to save on dumping fees.
Keep your site clean.
-If you’re keeping the weeds down and your site looks clean you could save on site cost later when the builders are ready but it also acts as a physiological deterrent when would be perpetrators are looking for a target.
What if you have to sell it?
-You’ve planned for years that this will be your forever home. Sometimes unforeseen circumstances arise and you’re left looking at the options of selling it. Like anything, whether a car, house or a block of land, presentation is key in obtaining a better outcome. Location, aspect and block dimensions all factor the price per Sqm but a clean and ready to build site could add thousands to the block if you had to sell it.
Land prices in and around Riverstone/Schofields are going through the roof with prices reaching upwards of $3,000 Per Sqm. To find out more information regarding the current market conditions reach out to one of our friendly team
Call Glenn Hagan on 0434 984 374 or Stephen Trethowan on 0427 462 753 or book an appraisal below.